How I reduce the use of plastic bags and reuse them

Posted by Kan Hong Hong , Tuesday, October 12, 2010 10:08 AM

I went to the morning wet market with my mother-in-law (MIL) one day and I discovered 2 things.
First was that my MIL could actually walk for 3-hours non-stop shopping...and I had to carry the things bought for 3 hours straight. She enjoyed very much selecting the best vegetables etc. I'm not complaining as I really had to salute her. It was my pleasure to make her happy simply by going to wet market with her. 

Second thing I realized was that during the shopping trip, we were given about 50, yes 50 as in FIFTY!!! plastic bags (those orange/red thin plastic bags), each for one type of vegetables. Actually, I was carrying a recycling bag with me and I had tried to stop the sellers to not provide any of those bags, but my MIL kept saying 'It's okay, we would need the bag later at home'. At her home, I saw a very very large plastic storing all the unused plastic bags, without being used at all. Imagine if she ever throws that into the landfills or even into the sea..They might end up in the tummy of our beautiful turtles. The orange/red coloured plastics are the most dangering is not easily bio-degradable, most hundreds of years...

How I do my shopping without using plastic bags
I tried very hard to not get any bags from sellers in the market...I put everything in my recycling bags. Here are what I always bring with me when I do my wet market shopping.

Bags I own, easy to carry, do not hurt my hands!

A big washable plastic recycling bag for my vegetables/fruits from Giant

A big tough shopping made from organic Fairtrade cotton (feels like 'kain guni') from Tesco. 
Inside layered with plastic for easy wash. And I think they even replace you with any worn out bags...check it out in their website.

Containers for meat, fish or even tofu. It prevents spills, it is more hygienic, and convenient. 
Straight into the freezer they go. Looks more organised too. No more 1-use plastic bags to be thrown!!...Even the butcher told me, 'Wow, you are an organised person'. I said 'Thanks!!'

Vegetables/fruits are stored and sealed in 'GLAD' plastic bags. Normally, after each use, I will wash and dry it up for next use. I only throw them away when they are soggy, into my plastic recycling bin of course...For more long lasting vegetables, you may even wrap them up with newspapers. Send them to you recycle bins after use.

Found this site very interesting. Stop Plastic Bags Campaign. Appreciate your fullest support! Together we save our children's future!

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